Using Multiple Configs#

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There are times when having multiple config files would allow for cleaner deployment, readability, and maintainability of your code base.

To accommodate this, ClassyConfig allows you to load multiple config files with designated prefixes, so you can use all the config values alongside each other.

For example, we have the following two separate configuration files:


app_name="Example App"



First, load your two configuration files. We’ll use the prefix of "db" for the second one:

from classy_config import register_config, ConfigValue

register_config(filepath="database.toml", prefix="db")  # Note the prefix

Now use your config values from both files with ease:

app_name = ConfigValue("app_name", str)
print(f"Starting application: {app_name}")

database_host = ConfigValue("", str)
database_port = ConfigValue("db.port", int)
print(f"Connecting to database: {database_host}:{database_port}")