Nix + NixOS

Knowsql offers a package that you can use, or a nixosModule that can be used to configure a systemd service for knowsql.


Add knowsql to your flake inputs

    inputs.knowsql = {
        url = "github:gdwr/knowsql";
        follows = "nixpkgs"; 
    # rest of your flake...

NixOS Module

Then import the module within your nixosConfiguration.

    nixosConfigurations.example = {
        imports = [

        services.knowsql.enable = true;

        #services.knowsql = {
        #    enable = true;
        #    port = 9001;            # Configure the port! make sure to enable the firewall ;)
        #    data_dir = "/tmp/data"; # Change where the datastore lives.
        # rest of your configuration...

Nix Package

nix run github:gdwr/knowsql